Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?


A Minute with Mary

Why do Catholics pray to Mary? Can’t we go straight to Jesus? Paul gives a brief explanation of a common misunderstanding in this edition of A Minute with Mary. 

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Scripture teaches that ‘there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ’ (1 Tim 2:5), and Christianity is all about the community of believers being a part of the Body of Christ, sharing in that one mediation.

Now we think nothing of asking someone to pray for us. In fact, we all know people who seem to have a deep relationship with Jesus, so we especially like to ask them to pray for us because we know their prayers will be more powerful. Well, imagine the depth of the relationship between Jesus and His own Mother Mary! It’s only logical then, and makes good sense to ask Mary to pray for us because Her prayers are THE most powerful of any creature ever created!

When Jesus created His Mother Mary He held back nothing in giving Her every gift He could possibly give Her. Why? So She, in turn, could help us! Just like we see in Scripture at the wedding of Cana.

Mary is one of the greatest gifts Jesus left His Church. How sad it must be for Jesus when people reject the gift of His Mother, and tragically, they do so believing that somehow this is pleasing to Jesus! We need to properly understand Scripture and be faithful to the 2,000 years of Sacred Holy Tradition that Jesus has given us and pray with confidence for Mary’s powerful intercession.

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