Jim Mannery explores the life of public intellectual B.A. Santamaria, his response to communism and capitalism, and how the Australian economy has fared since his passing in 1998.
Robert Haddad speaks on the historical development of the canonisation process, and provides a response to the critics of the canonisation of St Mary of the Cross.
Eamonn Keane discusses the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae, and how removing God from culture leads to the erosion of morality, the breakdown of marriage, and the rise of a culture of death.
Sr Moira Debono RSM speaks on the history of English translations of the Roman Missal, the concept of “the art of proper celebration”, and some important changes that occurred in the most recent translation of the Roman Missal.
Eamonn Keanne talks about our creation, the fall, how God poured out Himself to redeem us, and how He reveals His power over death through the Resurrection.