Are you familiar with the five first Saturdays devotion? Paul Elarde explains why it exists and what it involves in this edition of A Minute with Mary.
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One way we can give something of great value to Jesus and Mary is to fulfil Mary’s request to make reparation for our sins and the sins of the world by doing what is called the Five First Saturdays of the month devotion.
The sins of the world greatly offend the love that Jesus and Mary have for every person. Mary said She is especially offend by blasphemies and ingratitude. Who will make an offering of love to repair for the hurt? Hopefully, every Catholic will want to step out to show their love! Not only is the act of love very simple, but Mary offers to those who do, the promise of assistance at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for their salvation. Now that’s akin to something like you being asked to pay just $10 to settle a $100,000 debt and in then appreciation, the lender gives you back a gift of a million dollars!! God’s love is astounding!
So on the first Saturday of each month for five consecutive months, we do the following:
Go the confession with 8 days; receive Holy Communion worthily; prayer five decades of the Rosary; meditate for 10 to 15 minutes accompanying Mary, reflecting about some mysteries of the Rosary.
Remember to do all this with the intentions of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If we don’t respond to Our Lady’s request, then who will? This simple act of love could be one of the greatest things you ever did in your whole life!