Sorrowful Mysteries: The Scourging at the Pillar


Scourging at the PillarThe Second Sorrowful Mystery: the Scourging at the Pillar

Pilate, then, took Jesus and had him scourged. (John 19:1)

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During the scourging Jesus was beaten and whipped until the flesh was ripped off His sacred Body. Jesus scourging made reparation for all the sins of the flesh.

The scientific evidence from the Holy Shroud reveals that there was hardly a patch of Jesus’ Body that was not wounded – even the souls of His feet. Why all this suffering? Because only Jesus – the perfect sinless Divine offering – could repair the damage for all our sins. No other person was able to compensate our debt. What kind of a God must He be, to love us like that!

Let us reflect on the wonder of such a love and give thanks for the price Jesus paid for our salvation. And who can understand the pain of Mary as she endured the realisation of this torture towards her Son. Her only Son, the Lord of all, suffering unspeakable pain, offering all for our sake and calling even His own mother to unite her suffering with His in a ‘love beyond all telling’. Let us be grateful also to Mary for uniting her suffering to Her Son’s to cooperate in the work of Redemption.

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