Anxiety: the Hidden Evil


“Fear is the favourite tool of Satan.  He loves to get us to dwell on thoughts until fear arises.  At that point, he can begin to influence our actions.  However scripture teaches that perfect love casts out fear.”

In this edition of A Minute with Mary, Paul Elarde reflects on how we can learn to be free from anxiety and fear.

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Tradition has it that even though St Peter was head of the Church, St John was regarded as the holiest. It was His devotion to Mary that enabled him to reach those heights of holiness. So for us to grow in holiness there is no better way than to include a strong devotion and love for Mary.

When St John had his head on the heart of Jesus he was not concerned with what others may think of him – that is really a form of pride. John, who was the youngest, was blest to be free from much of the brokenness that so often allows fear to rule our lives. Remember that fear is the favourite tool of Satan. He loves to get us to dwell on thoughts until fear arises. At that point, he can then begin to influence our actions. However, scripture teaches that perfect love casts out fear. St John shows us this throughout the gospels, especially at the foot of the Cross.

If we want to imitate John, then let’s run to Mary and allow Her to guide and lead us in prayer that frees us from all fears and anxiety. St Francis De Sales said that next to sin, anxiety was the greatest evil that can happen to the soul. O Mary, free us from all anxiety, now and at the hour of our death, amen.

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