The Catholic Diocese of Wollongong has just launched its radio series ‘The Journey’, hosted by Dave & Doddsy. Here is their very first episode including Sunday’s Gospel reflection, Wisdom from the Abbey with Sr Hilda Scott, Inspiring You to Dream with the Catholic Guy, Smart Loving with Byron & Francine Pirola, Living the Gospel with Peter Gilmore and Milk & Honey with Trish McCarthy.
DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (20 mins)
If you’re in the Wollongong area you can support The Journey by tuning in to Pulse 94.1 at 11am on Sundays and 10pm on Wednesdays. This is an initiative of the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong.
1 Comment
I am A presenter on Gippsland life fm radio
I would like to obtain a poster of this program to display in the church foyer in the catholic church in Leongatha which is in our broardcast area theLife FM broardcasting details on this would also be helpfull