How I Came Home to the Church


“…I was thoroughly convinced that if I was to be true to God and true to myself, that my place was to come back home and be with Him in His Church, the Catholic Church… I would never regret any decision I made to follow Him, to seek what He wants for me and to ask Him where He wants me to go because He’s been faithful in every step.”

Alex is a young Catholic from rural Victoria who is currently preparing to begin seminary studies in Belgium. Listen as he shares his story of veering away from his Catholic upbringing, discovering prayer and scripture through a Protestant Church in his university years, and returning to the Catholic Church with a new zeal and love for Christ and the Sacraments.

DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (11:40 mins)

Please pray for Alex as he begins is formation in September 2013.

Music Credit: I Wll Trust – Fr Robert Galea

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