Yesterday at 4pm local time, the Holy Father Pope Francis touched down in Rio ahead of this week’s main events. He was greeted by a cheering crowd and brass band, along with numerous dignitaries including Brazil’s President Dilma Vana Rousseff Linhares.
After a short welcome at the airport he was taken to Guanabara Palace for the official Welcoming Ceremony, where he gave this address.
Used with permission from Salt + Light Television.
See the full text at Radio Vaticana.
While you may not have made it to Rio, Salt + Light TV and are live-streaming the main events. There are also a number of pilgrim blogs going around so you can hear about the experience. Check out Australian Catholic University (ACU) and XT3 video blogs and the Parramatta Diocese blog. If you know of others please do link them in the comments!
Cities around Australia will also be holding WYD events, including the Rio Experience in Sydney. Once again – if you know of others, please let us know.
Music credit: Scott Kettner’s Brazilian Brass Band