What “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” Gets Right and Wrong
Bishop Barron supports the Jurrasic Park series’ critique of Enlightenment attempt to control nature, but cautions against making humans and animals morally equivalent.
Bishop Barron supports the Jurrasic Park series’ critique of Enlightenment attempt to control nature, but cautions against making humans and animals morally equivalent.
Paul Elarde explores the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin and what it is claimed to be. He shares scientific findings that have been made from the latest scientific testing, including carbon dating.
Bishop Robert Barron reflects on his recent public discussion with Protestant Christian apologist and philosopher William Lane Craig.
In response to science personality Bill Nye, Bishop Robert Barron describes the knowledge that is missed when one attempts to discount philosophy.
Bishop Robert Barron enthusiastically recommends Fr Robert Spitzer’s book “The Soul’s Upward Yearning” as an antidote to the postmodern “buffered self”.
Robert Van Gend explains the recent thought which sees the universe’s “happenstance” and “lawful regularity” as revealing of a rational Creator.
Dr Philippa Martyr speaks about mental health in our contemporary society and the insights of the Catholic intellectual and anthropological tradition.
In this frank and straightforward interview, Professor James Franklin gives host Daniel Nour the facts on Copernicus, Galileo and the boundaries of Science.