Browsing: Archived Series

Living Faith with Fr Richard Umbers Living Faith with Father Richard Umbers

The Battle of Prayer


As Christians we need to make time for prayer, but can often be put off by the challenges and distractions that make it difficult. In this edition of Living Faith, Fr Umbers reminds us of the importance of perseverance in prayer and suggests some practical ways to help us grow in relationship with God.

Living Faith with Fr Richard Umbers Living Faith with Father Richard Umbers

Watch & Pray: avoiding lukewarmness


How could someone like Judas, one of Christ’s closest 12, become His betrayer? Fr Richard Umbers reflects on how lukewarmness and spiritual laziness can be the downfall of any of us. He points out some of the common pitfalls to watch out for, and reminds us to be diligent and ‘watch and pray’ with Christ.

Our Queen - Our Mother Our Queen Our Mother

Mary, Model of Humility


St Bernard taught that humility is the ‘foundation and guardian of virtues’. In this episode of Our Queen, Our Mother, Paul explores the profound example of humility shown to us by Mary, God’s ‘lowly handmaid’.

Our Queen - Our Mother Our Queen Our Mother

Your Mother in Heaven


In this episode of ‘Our Queen, Our Mother’, Paul reflects powerfully on the motherhood of Mary: what does it mean that Christ gave us His mother, and how do we apply it in our daily lives?

Our Queen - Our Mother Our Queen Our Mother

St Joseph: Man of Strength and Virtue


This week Paul looks at the great example of St Joseph, spouse of Mary and foster father of Christ. As we approach his feast day on 19 March this episode is a great reminder of the role of St Joseph as a model of fatherhood, and the power of his intercession. Paul also catches up with young Franciscan Immaculatine Postulant, Jinny Chung. Jinny shares her journey from Buddhism, to Anglicanism to Catholicism, and the role Our Lady has played in her faith journey.

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