Author Fr. Anthony Bernard

Homilies & Reflections Resurrection

Easter Sunday Reflection


Fr. Anthony Bernard explores with us how Christ’s rising from the dead points us to the glorification of God over sin, the victory of life over death, and the triumph of the light over the darkness.

Homilies & Reflections

Good Friday Reflection


Fr. Anthony Bernard reflects on the immense love our Lord revealed to us in His passion, and how focusing ourselves on Christ on the cross saves us from the venom of sin.

iWitness Fr Anthony Bernard iWitness

Confession & Virtue


Fr Anthony Bernard describes his experience of confession as both penitent and priest, and how confession builds our virtue.

Seasonal Christ in the Desert

Why Fast?


Fr Anthony Bernard takes us through some examples of fasting in Scripture and their purpose, encouraging us to go that extra mile in our relationship with God this Lent.