Mary Glowrey as an Example of the Christian Life
Helenka Pasztetnik introduces the story of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey, an Australian born woman who spent most of her life ministering to the sick in India.
Helenka Pasztetnik introduces the story of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey, an Australian born woman who spent most of her life ministering to the sick in India.
Fr Pius Mary Noonan OSB looks at what the meaning and practice of the monastic life, and its role in the context of an increasingly atheistic world.
Sr John Mary of the Sisters of the Immaculata shares her vocation story and discernment to religious life, as well as some of the joys she has experienced.
Sr Maria Faustina shares her journey to religious life and peels away some of the misconceived thoughts that can influence discernment. She also shares some highlights of her journey thus far.
Bishop Greg Homeming explores the prayer and spirituality of the Carmelites, and highlights how to be human is to pray.
Simon Carrington highlights sexual desire as a holy gift from God, as well as practical ways in which to manage our erotic desire and heal our wounds.
Fr Ben Cameron CPM shares his vocation story, including his family’s conversion, his own discernment, and why he chose to join the Fathers of Mercy.
Fr Morgan Batt explores ways in which parishes can foster and support the development of vocations to the priesthood, religious, married and single life.