Browsing: Faith in Action

Foolish Wisdom

How Wealthy is the Catholic Church?


The Church is often criticised for its priceless art, ornate vessels and grand cathedrals – wouldn’t it be more ‘Christian’ to sell them and give the money to the poor? Bernard provides his response…

Evangelisation Teacher and student

Forming Young Minds


Redfield College headmaster James Burfitt in this interview discusses what education is, how we can bring up young people to their best potential, and what the role of parents are in the education of children.

Catholics on Mission Young man starting a journey

The Meaning of Life


Dr Andrew Foong discusses the meaning of life based especially in the teachings of Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, and how the answer to the meaning of life leads to true happiness.


The Refugees We Failed


Phil Glendenning of the Edmund Rice Centre describes his journey of discovering the tragic stories of those who were denied access to Australia, and what they can teach us about the Gospel call to care for the vulnerable.

Evangelisation painting of the girl with the pearl earring

The Power of Beauty


Dr Renée Köhler-Ryan explains the concept of beauty, why it has fascinated people throughout all of history, and why it is important for The Church to produce and uncover beauty for the world.

Shows Opening Our Eyes to Injustice

Opening Our Eyes to Injustice


Dr Robert Tilley explains why we have a blindness to injustice, the biblical link between justice and righteousness, and where we can find the origins of our indifference to injustice today.

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