MGL Homilies A change of Heart 4 December, 2017 0 Fr Dave Callaghan MGL speaks about the call of holiness as we begin the season of Advent.
Homilies & Reflections Alive in the Spirit 28 November, 2017 0 On the feast of Christ the King, Fr Ken barker MGL preaches about the movement…
MGL Homilies Loving God by getting real 2 November, 2017 0 Just why is the greatest commandment the love of God and neighbour? Is there a…
MGL Homilies The violence in our hearts 9 October, 2017 0 The parable of the tenants in the vineyard reveals the violence in the human heart.…
Homilies & Reflections Richness through poverty 1 October, 2017 0 It seems counter-intuitive that true richness is found through the gate of our own poverty.…
Homilies & Reflections Understanding God 25 September, 2017 0 Jesus presents us with a parable that doesn’t seem to make much sense. Fr David…
Homilies & Reflections What does Christian love look like? 11 September, 2017 0 When Jesus calls us to love, he wants us to not just ‘keep the peace’…
MGL Homilies Who do you say I am? 28 August, 2017 0 The question that Jesus puts to Peter is possibly the most disturbing question that we…