Browsing: MGL Homilies

Homilies from the Missionaries of God’s Love in Australia.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Do not be afraid to stand for faith


How will I witness my Catholic faith in a world that is not interested? Fr Bony Abraham MGL shares his experience of World Youth Day in this homily for the 19th Sunday of Year C, saying that there is no need for fear as we live our faith in the world.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Passionate Christianity


In this week’s homily, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL says that in our prayer and in our way of life, we need to have a clear idea of what we want and a passionate desire to seek after it.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Carrying the Cross


A special presentation by Jim Murphy, a lay evangelist sharing his experience of walking across America with a six-foot tall cross.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

In Honour of a True Missionary


Fr Dave Callaghan MGL breaks open the story of the Good Samaritan by comparing it to the life and mission of Br Paul Nixon, one of the MGL brothers who died after a long battle with physical and mental illness.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Prisoners of the fleeting moment


In this homily for the 13th Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Dave Callaghan asks how can we respond the the radical call to follow Jesus when we are trapped in a self-centered world that tells us that we are the most important thing in the universe?

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