The Heart of Mary
Fr Flader reflects on the life and death of Jesus through the heart of Mary and he goes deeper in explaining that both the heart of Jesus and Mary are united as one.
Fr Flader reflects on the life and death of Jesus through the heart of Mary and he goes deeper in explaining that both the heart of Jesus and Mary are united as one.
Fr Flader meditates on our call to holiness, that each one of us is called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Fr John Flader meditates on finding God in everyday life through the example of the Holy Family and lessons from St Josemaria Escriva, Patron saint of Ordinary Life.
Fr John Flader explores the life of prayer, providing valuable lessons and drawing from examples of prayer from Jesus and other examples from scripture.
Fr Flader’s meditates on Christ’s Resurrection, moving from the darkness of sin into the light of the Resurrection through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Fr Flader talks about how quick we are to judge and blame others because of our own pride and gives us suggestions on how we can become less judgemental.
Through the parable of the prodigal son, Fr John Flader shares the beauty of God’s unending mercy as distributed through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Fr Flader reflects on how in order to bear fruits we must be united to the stem who is God and of whom is the source of grace.