Author Fr David Callaghan MGL

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

The banquet of mercy


In the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus does not act the way that we would expect him to, and as a result, Zacchaeus makes a very unexpected response.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Healing Our Inner Leprosy


Fr David Callaghan MGL breaks open the story of Naaman the Leper in this homily for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary time, recorded live at St Benedict’s mission center in Canberra.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Passionate Christianity


In this week’s homily, Fr Dave Callaghan MGL says that in our prayer and in our way of life, we need to have a clear idea of what we want and a passionate desire to seek after it.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Rejoicing when your life is a mess


Knowing that you are a sinner is a beautiful thing if you know that you have a saviour. Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about why the Early church spent so much time praising God in this homily for the feast of the Divine Mercy.

MGL Homilies MGL homilies

Your Identity is Love


In this homily for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary time, Fr David Callaghan MGL speaks about the grace that God offers us so that we can restore our true identity and allow our life to be a reflection of the love of God.