St Maximilian Kolbe took the extraordinary step of giving his life for a father in the Auschwitz concentration camp – being the peaceful presence of Christ in one of the worst places on earth.
Find out how St Maximilian Kolbe can inspire us to take the narrow road!
St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Franciscan, Polish, Catholic priest who was arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II.
This man did something extraordinary: after 5 months of being imprisoned in this concentration camp, where he did nothing but encourage and pray for the other prisoners, one of the prisoners escaped. As a result, the Germans selected 10 prisoners at random to go to the starvation bunker where they would starve to death. After hearing the anguish of one of the prisoners over his wife and children, as he was a father and a husband, St. Maximilian Kolbe stepped forward and took the place of this prisoner, went to the starvation bunker, and starved to death in place of this prisoner.
This man, St. Maximilian Kolbe inspires me to take the narrow road that leads to life. In that hellish place, that concentration camp, his only concern was to bring the joy and peace of Jesus Christ to others.
He teaches us that with God, in the midst of life’s deepest trials and sufferings, we have a peace, and joy, and hope that he had.