Finding the Love We Long For


When all is said and done most of us realise it is only love that matters – and God is the Only Source of love – He IS Love.

Paul Elarde reflects on how we need to tap into the Source of Love through prayer.

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We think nothing of inviting someone to watch a movie, however if we invite someone to pray for say a couple of hours, we risk getting labelled as some kind of a ‘religious fanatic’.

The only thing we can take into the next world is our love. And the reason we pray, is so we can love. God is not just loving – HE IS LOVE ITSELF! So how can we possibly love if we do not tap into the source of all love? Without this connection, our hearts become dry and empty. Satan tries to fill our empty hearts with the things of the world so as to keep us distracted from the truth. But these can never satisfy the deepest yearnings of our hearts.

Only love can contribute to our eternal existence. But without prayer, we cannot truly love. Have you noticed at funerals how the only thing that matters then is how good and loving the person was? This reveals to us a truth about life and its real meaning. Why waste your life? Sadly some people live their whole lives around the superficial! Jesus and Mary call us to a full life rich in meaning. And this, in the end, is what actually makes us happy. This is the truth about life. How sad for those who never discover this truth. Let us live life to the full – ignite up your prayer life today and with grace, build a personnel relationship with Jesus and Mary that is real, life-giving and eternal!

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