Mystery of Self Deception: Pt 3


“In speaking of the soul we must always think of it as spacious, ample and lofty; and this can be done without the least exaggeration, for the soul’s capacity is much greater than we can realize…” (St Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle, Ch. 2/II).

We deceive others and ourselves by splitting ourselves into pieces; we fragment ourselves into a self-opposed monstrosity, and we hide our self-destruction behind claims that we are doing good and not evil. It is the word of God that brings these things to light and with it we can ask where it is self-deception comes from? What are the signs of self-deception and what is its antidote?

In this three-part series, Dr Robert Tilley explores human beings after the fall, and our tendency to deceive both ourselves and others. He looks at the signs, causes and consequences of self-deception, as well as the antidote.

This third talk is entitled ‘The Bible and Self-Analysis: Mystical Humility and identifying the signs of self-deception’.

Dr Robert Tilley is a lecturer in biblical studies and ancient languages at the Catholic Institute of Sydney and in Christian literature at the Aquinas Academy.

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About Author

Dr Robert Tilley is a lecturer in biblical studies and ancient languages at the Catholic Institute of Sydney and in Christian literature at the Aquinas Academy.

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