Michael Stokes explores the topics of marriage and gender from a Latter Day Saint theological perspective. He elaborates by drawing from the teachings found in Latter Day Saint sacred texts, such as: the Book of Mormon, Doctrines & Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price, as well as scriptural texts.
In this podcast:
- 0:17: Introduction to the Teachings of the Latter Day Saints
- 13:11: The Puspose of Gender & Immortal Life
- 15:37: The Eternal Nature of Family & Marriage
- 25:00: The Role of Husband and Wife: Equal and Complementary
- 26:50: On Same Sex Marriage
This presentation was part of The Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies’ 2016 Colloquium on the theme “The nature of men and women: complementary but different”, hosted in Hobart, Australia.