Paul Elarde continues discussing Theology of the Body by exploring the destiny & design of our bodies as God had intended them. Paul also explores the topics of authentic love, freedom, contraception and celibacy in the context of the theology of the body.
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In this podcast:
- 2:08: The Second D: Design.
- 9:12: The Third and Final D: Destiny.
- 13:30: Our Infinite Desire and How and Where to Direct it.
- 17:40: The Virtue of Chasity.
- 19:52: Loving through the Model of the Trinity: Freely, Totally, Faithfully and Fruitfully.
- 24:15: The Tale of Salvation and its Impact on Purity, Love and Our Perception of the Body.
- 40:00: Freedom.
- 46:53: Redemption And Allowing Christ to Heal Us.
- 50:38: On Celibacy.
- 52:11: On Contraception.
The Immaculata Mission School 2017 was hosted by the Immaculata Community at the Launceston Church Grammar School in Tasmania.
Music Credit: At the Foot of the Cross – Fr Rob Galea