Archbishop Julian Porteous explains how the Holy Spirit gives life and power to the Church. Archbishop Julian looks at the message of St John Paul II in his World Youth Days, how the Holy Spirit empowers people to live as Christians, and the need for Christians to life in the Spirit.
Download this episode (right click and save)In this podcast:
- 0:52: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:8, ESV)
- 1:58: World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney: A “turning point” for the Church in Australia.
- 4:41: St John Paul II and the World Youth Days.
- 6:03: St John Paul II’s belief in the youth, and the response of the young people to that belief. Young people wanted authentic Christianity, and St John Paul II offered this to them.
- 13:30: The rise of the “JPII Generation”.
- 17:10 Acts 1:8 at World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney: The youth who follow Christ receive the Holy Spirit in Power, and will arise as witnesses.
- 18:20: We cannot keep the Holy Spirit as a good experience or feeling. We must become witnesses.
- 18:57: Why has there been a focus on the Holy Spirit in the last 50 years?
- 21:05: Australian society is coming a spiritual desert. One is bombarded constantly by evil and corruption. It is difficult to be a Christian in today’s world.
- 24:06: But God does not desert us. He unleashes the power of His Holy Spirit.
- 26:18: Many Catholics are trying to be Christian on their own. But it doesn’t work. It simply results in mediocrity.
- 29:18: The link between Jesus’ crucifixion and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- 31:57: The image of the Holy Spirit as wind.
- 34:53: The image of the Holy Spirit as breath: The Holy Spirit gives us life.
- 38:25: The Holy Spirit is the Soul of the Church.
- 38:50: What is the Church? The soul of the Church are the saints: “those faithful souls who have allowed themselves to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit”.
- 42:35: The Holy Spirit always moves and raises up saints – particularly at moments of crisis.
- 43:57: We need to live a “full life in the Spirit”.
- 45:47: Archbishop Julian needs us to “live a life in the Spirit so that the Church will live”.
The Immaculata Mission School 2017 was hosted by the Immaculata Community at the Launceston Church Grammar School in Tasmania.
Music Credit: At the Foot of the Cross – Fr Rob Galea