“Let us rediscover, dear brothers and sisters, the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit; let us be aware again of our baptism and of our confirmation, sources of grace that are always present.” -Pope Benedict XVI
In his second talk at IMS 2013, Vince Fitzwilliams explains the power of the Holy Spirit, how the charisms of the Holy Spirit are used to build up the Church, and how we can be effective witnesses…
LISTEN NOW / RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD (Right click to save) (33:48)
Vince Fitzwilliams is a lay speaker and missionary.
The sixth Immaculata Mission School was held at St Thomas Beckett Parish in Lewisham, Australia from 1-14 of January 2013. The Mission School is organised and run by the Immaculata Community in Sydney. To find out more about the Immaculata Community or the Sisters visit www.immaculatacommunity.org or www.sistersoftheimmaculata.org.au.
Music Credit: At the Foot of the Cross – Fr Robert Galea