Sr John Mary: Made For An Undivided Heart
Sr John Mary of the Sisters of the Immaculata shares her vocation story and discernment to religious life, as well as some of the joys she has experienced.
Sr John Mary of the Sisters of the Immaculata shares her vocation story and discernment to religious life, as well as some of the joys she has experienced.
Sr Maria Faustina shares her journey to religious life and peels away some of the misconceived thoughts that can influence discernment. She also shares some highlights of her journey thus far.
Deacon Adrian Gomez of the Diocese of Broken Bay takes a look at the permanent diaconate and its role and function in the Catholic Church. He also shares some of his experiences thus far as a newly ordained deacon.
In this interview, the newly ordained Fr Joshua Scott gives us a glimpse into his early priestly ministry, and shares some of his vocation story.
Fr James Kerr of Ballarat Diocese shares about the events and people that encouraged him to the priesthood, and his experience of the priesthood thus far.
Archbishop Julian Porteous leads us in a reflection on the purpose of the Human Person and offers insights from his own ‘mid-life crisis’.
Bishop Tony Randazzo explains in this interview how his family, the Church and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ led him to the priesthood.
Archbishop Anthony Fisher discusses St Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on vocations, particularly bishops and religious, and how one can discern their vocation.