Browsing: Youth Ministry

Expert Insights Good News is Coming

The Hope in the Youth


Bishop Richard Umbers explores the hope in the new generation of young Catholics and what this means. He also shares about his time as a newly appointed bishop.


Engaging the Youth


Dave Jorna shares about Project Hatch, which aims to enable young people to understand themselves and others as well as empowering them on their faith journey.


God, Social Media and the Youth


Fr Michel Remery of ‘Tweeting with GOD’ speaks about his initiative, and how it came to be. He goes on to speak about the state of the Church in the Netherlands, and the way the youth have an inherent desire for truth, and spiritual nourishment.

Homegrown Initiatives

Music, Ministry and Its Fruits


Steph Unger talks about her role as Project Officer for Student Formation for Catholic Education, Brisbane and the work that she has been involved with since last we spoke to her at ACYF 2015. She also talks about some of the fruits that have come out of her ministry and her music.

Testimonies emmanuelworship at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2017

God With Us In Worship


emmanuelworship discuss their music-based ministry and evangelisation, and how they came to encounter Christ through praise and worship.

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