Restore: Your Mojo
Matthew Tan describes the ways that the Deadly Sin of Sloth might sneak up on us, and the subtle but expressly distinct ways it can express itself.
Matthew Tan describes the ways that the Deadly Sin of Sloth might sneak up on us, and the subtle but expressly distinct ways it can express itself.
Fr. Leo shares on how money can be used to glorify God by challenging his audience to invest in their faith and in the faith of others.
Tim Staples talks how the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ forms a clear, objective, black and white moral framework.
Have we lost our eye for beauty? Daniel hill, a medieval art historian, explores perspectives of beauty in a secular and ecclesiastical context.
Brendan Malone explores whether our lack of a focus on real relationships with others is the reason behind the decline in western culture.
Using John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility, Dr Edward Sri helps us catch the vision of how married love builds a life giving culture.
Deacon Harold examines how family life is a path to sanctity and how the life-giving power of the sacraments enable us to speak the truth in love.
Katherine Turnbull shares about the vision of the Culture Project and the role of sexual morality in restoring and maintaining culture.