Browsing: SCENE 2012

SCENE (Sydney Congress Embracing the New Evangelisation) is here for 2012, and Cradio is covering the action.

SCENE 2012 Adoration

Starting a Grace & Mercy Hour


What better way to bring others to Christ than through Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament Reconciliation? It’s not always easy to get the ball rolling and make it accessible for those who are new to the experience, but Sydney’s CREDO Office for Renewal and Evangelisation has come up with a format that works and an all-in-one kit to get you started…

Marriage & Family MARRIAGE

Marriage on Fire


Byron and Francine Pirola provide insights and practical strategies for couples to transform their marriage into a powerhouse of love and joy.

Culture & Worldview

Reaching Gen Y


How do we reach Gen Y? Has the ramped up culture of novelty seeking, consumerism and sexualisation taken its toll? Do we need new strategies or are their tried and true methods for helping to ignite the faith of our young people? Steve Toohey speaks from his experience working with this generation.

Evangelisation leap jump faith

How can I share my faith?


This workshop aims to help empower normal people to share their faith in ordinary everyday ways that change lives and bring real hope to a needy world. Be reinspired to allow the Holy Spirit to use you to connect lives to God.


Understanding New Evangelisation


The New Evangelisation is clearly a high priority for the Church. How are we to understand this move of the Holy Spirit? How can we become involved in the New Evangelisation in our own circumstances?

SCENE 2012 woman decision thinking

Intro to Christian Decision Making


How do I know who to marry? What career does God want me to pursue? Am I called to a ministry in my Parish? Is this my vocation? Fr Michael de Stoop provides a framework for answering these sorts of questions using St Ignatius of Loyola’s tried and tested insights.

Relationships computer keyboard hands

The Pornography Problem


In this SCENE 2012 workshop, Robert Falzon explores why pornography is so harmful to individuals, relationships and societies and what we can do about it.

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