Catholics Read Heretics
The team discuss G.K. Chesterton’s “Heretics”, particularly looking at his commentary on the need to love our neighbour as a person, not an abstraction.
Luke Streher is the General Manager at Cradio, philosophy graduate from the University of Notre Dame Australia, and a member of the Immaculata Community.
The team discuss G.K. Chesterton’s “Heretics”, particularly looking at his commentary on the need to love our neighbour as a person, not an abstraction.
The team discussed Mark Shea’s “Work of Mercy”, how the Works of Mercy highlight Christ’s Incarnation, and the radicality of Christian love and mercy.
Luke and Victoria react to Robert Browning’s My Last Duchess, discussing Browning’s technique for creating considerable tension in the poem.
The team discuss Mark Twain’s “Joan of Arc”, the story of the great French saint, and why it is one of Kiara’s favourite books.
The team explore Jennifer Fulwiler’s “Something Other than God”, the notion of humility in approaching hard Church teachings, and Kiara’s own conversion.
Luke and Victoria discuss the Challenge to the Privy Council, the life and martyrdom of St Edmund Campion, and why he is a great model of the priesthood.
The team discuss Letter From Birmingham Jail, exploring the influence of Martin Luther King Jr’s Christian faith on his work, and lessons for non-violence.
The team explore Roger Scruton’s Pleasure vs Happiness, discussing his distinction between pleasure and happiness, and lack of beauty in contemporary art.