In Spite of Our Failings
In his homily for the Feast of St Mary Magdelene, Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on how Christ chose Mary to be apostle to the apostles in spite of her troubled past. Likewise, Christ calls us in spite of our past failings.
In his homily for the Feast of St Mary Magdelene, Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on how Christ chose Mary to be apostle to the apostles in spite of her troubled past. Likewise, Christ calls us in spite of our past failings.
In his homily for Friday of the 14th week in ordinary time, Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on Jesus’ response to our fears about evangelisation: “do not worry… For it will not be you who speak, but the spirit of your Father speaking through you”.
In today’s Gospel reading, a simple touch on the hand by Christ is enough for a young girl to healed from grave illness. Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on how through our touch, we can be instruments of God’s healing and mercy.
The records indicate that the young Franciscan priest preached hundreds of sermons, conferences and missions…
We often say that a heart represents love – but what can we say about the love that pours forth from the Sacred Heart? Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on Christ’s heart in this homily for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
In his homily for Wednesday’s Memorial of St Boniface, Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on Sarah and Tobit (TB 3:1-11, 16-17) and their trust in God in the midst of great suffering.
In his homily for the Feast of Charles Lwanga and the Ugandan Martyrs, Fr Anthony Casamento encourages us to look to the martyrs for inspiration in standing up for the faith in difficult circumstances.
Whatever our means or state in life, God calls us to give generously to those in need trusting that He can never be outdone in generosity. Fr Anthony Casamento reflects on almsgiving as a sacrifice of praise in this homily for Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time