Homily – The Holy Name of Jesus
Archbishop Julian reflects on the baptism of Jesus, a primary manifestation of the Trinity in scripture – and the necessity of baptism for salvation.
Archbishop Julian reflects on the baptism of Jesus, a primary manifestation of the Trinity in scripture – and the necessity of baptism for salvation.
Archbishop Julian Porteous speaks about what it means to follow Jesus Christ and to give our whole selves to him in a spirit of docility to the Divine Will.
50 years after the publication of Humanae Vitae (“On the Regulation of Birth”), Archbishop Julian explores the opportunity to rediscover the essential truth about love and relationships which Pope Paul VI proclaims.
Archbishop Julian provides thoughts on renewed calls for euthanasia legislation in the Tasmanian parliament, and offers a positive Christian alternative which promotes a “good death” for those at the end of their life.
Archbishop Julian reflects upon Placuit Deo by explaining why we are not saved by spiritualist knowledge or individualist effort, but by the grace, mercy and action of God. Archbishop Julian also describes how the Church offers an antidote to these problems.
Archbishop Julian explains why St John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio remains important for a culture which emphasises trust in emotion and scepticism towards truth. Archbishop Julian also explains the importance of faith and reason in discovering truth.
Archbishop Julian Porteous leads a reflection on the experience of upper room at Pentecost, and explains how Christianity is about living on the “wave” of God’s grace.
Archbishop Julian discusses the freedom to serve as a Catholic organisation, and the pressure on businesses and organisations to hold and promote particular beliefs or practices.