Our Mission to Sydney’s Disconnected


Julian and Natalie are two young people who care about their faith enough to move to the other side of the country to share it with others. They are part of a group who have relocated to Sydney from Perth with the Catholic Guy Ministry, a community seeking to reach out to those who are disconnected from church and faith in a new way.

In this interview we chat to Julian and Natalie about their own faith stories, the experience of packing up and moving to Sydney, and what exactly they’re up to while they’re here.


The Catholic Guy will be running a 4 day leadership retreat at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville 4-7 January 2015. To found out more about iLead or to register, visit ilead.thecatholicguy.com.  For more information about The Catholic Guy Ministry visit thecatholicguy.com. 

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