Sts Philip and James are men of foundation stones of the Church.
St Phillip: Phillip comes from the same town as Peter and Andrew; Bethsaida, Gailiee. He was one of the first chosen disciples of Christ, but like the rest of the them, he needed to know who Jesus was. His name is listed in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke as well as the Acts of the Apostles. He is mentioned in the Gospel of John during the feeding of the five thousand. Accounts say that Phillip died a martyr.
St James: The story of James remains a mystery. He is often confused with other James like James of Acts and James, son of Zebadee. He is also known as James the Lesser. Like Phillip, he was chosen by Jesus as one of the twelve Apostles. After Jesus’ death he was rightly respected by the Jewish people in Jerusalem. Accounts say that he was sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin around the year 62.