Archbishop Fisher: St Thomas Aquinas and Vocations


Archbishop Anthony Fisher discusses St Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on vocations, particularly looking at the call and responsibility of bishops and religious. Archbishop Fisher also discusses other Christian vocations, and how someone can discern their vocation.

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In this podcast:
  • 1:01: What is St Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on vocations?
  • 10:59: Is St Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on vocations simply a promotion of the mendicant orders? A historical context of the conflict about the mendicant orders.
  • 22:17: Did St Thomas Aquinas teach that bishops and religious are perfect?
  • 30:48: Can a religious also be a bishop?
  • 38:05: Are there similarities between the episcopal (bishop) and religious vocations?
  • 42:21: Are there similarities between the vocations of bishop and religious, and other Christian vocations?
  • 46:24: How can one discern their vocation?

The Aquinas Symposium 2017 was hosted by the Dominican Friars Australiasia at the University of Notre Dame Australia.

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    Next to being in my own Bishop’s prayers, it seems Providence has granted me an hour well spent in relation to my own vocation. Thanks for sharing, Thanks Your Grace, ..and of course, Deo gratuas!

  2. Elisabeth Vondrous, Wien on

    The Bishop of my diocese , Vienna, is a dominican (Christoph Schönborn). My Impression is that Catholics in my my diocese appreciate it that our recent Bishop is not alone, but has friars.
    As he is friar it gives the People a sense of security on what his values will be, and we can anticipate his values,
    which is not possible with a world cleric of whom we cannot be sure.

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