Browsing: Bioethics

Bioethics Doctor

Do Doctors Have the Right to Object?


We spoke to Plunkett Centre for Ethics director Dr Bernadette Tobin to find out about an alternative way to think about conscientious objection; does it exist as a right for government to protect, and should there be limits to that right?

Bioethics Lumen Verum Apologetics

The Church & Bioethics


Paul Bizzanes presents an overview of the stem cell market and the state of stem cell research, the Church’s position on adult and embryonic stem cell research, how embryonic stem cell research relates to end-of-life issues, and current adult stem cell therapies.


Stem-Cells & Cloning


Paul Bizzanes discusses the issues surrounding two current topics in bioethics and biotechnology: Stem-cell research and cloning.


Stem-Cells: Where to From Here?


Paul Bizannes explores the development of legislation on stem-cell research in Australia, what stem-cells are and the current state of research, and the prospect of embryonic vs. adult stem cells in medical treatment.

Bioethics vaccine injection medicine science

The Gardasil Imperative?


Vaccines have long proven helpful in the fight against diseases for a number of centuries. But can the desire to prevent disease push to the side concerns about side-effects and unintended consequences? Natasha D sat down with Dr Little to hear about her investigation into Gardasil, and how the truth may have been sacrificed in the safeguard process.

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